Become an Insurance Agent

Become an Insurance Agent

If you are an insurance agent, it is your job to sell protection for the most valuable possessions of your clients. And to become one of the best insurance agents, you are required to have at least high school diploma. On the other hand, if you have received further education, chances are that it will greatly help you in succeeding in your chosen field.

Becoming an insurance agent is not that easy as what you think it is. If you are planning to become one of them, it would be helpful if you are going to take into account the following ways:

  • Know the things done by the insurance agents – You can contact the National Association of Insurance Companies because they can provide you with information regarding the duties of an insurance agent. You can also communicate with insurance companies where you want to do business with. Chances are that they are offering job opportunities for those who are interested to become one of their agents.
  • Do you have the financial means and temperament to become one of the life insurance agents? – Ask yourself if you have the capability to work, build good relationships and effectively communicate with your clients or co-agents so that it will be easier for you to encourage people to buy insurance from you. Are you ready to use your own money if in case your first salary will be released after six months or until the insurance company became profitable? Take time to ponder with this matter.
  • Search for educational as well as employment opportunities from insurance companies – You can apply for an administrative position and little by little try to seek for an opportunity that will enable you move up higher. In addition to that, you can also look for a company that offers, on the job training and pays you during your training period. Through this, you would be able to obtain high level of moral as well as financial support.
  • Know and understand the requirements for being a licensed and registered insurance agent – You have to know whether you are required to take the entire classroom hours for subjects like health insurance, life insurance or the combination of these two. You should also know the required hour for the training, list of the approved life insurance providers, recommended study that will help you pass the exam, the dates when you can take the exam, the location and the fees. You should also know the passing score and many more.
  • Apply for the licensure – You can contact the Department of Banking and Insurance in your area and try to apply online. Inquire about the requirements that you will need for the application so that you can easily get and submit it as fast as you can.

These are the things that you should do and have if you want to become an insurance agent. You have to make sure that you know everything that is related to insurance. Doing this will enable you to become one of the best insurance agent in your state.

Do Insurance Agents Need a Degree?

Do Insurance Agents Need a Degree?

Insurance agents have lots of duties and responsibilities not only on the company but also to his or her clients and with that, they need to be more flexible and creative in dealing with any kind of issues or concerns related to giving or selling insurance. Also, they need to be knowledgeable enough about the product they are selling. They should be a good communicator and knows how to explain things in a nice and understandable manner.

Being an insurance agent is not an easy job and before you obtain this position, there are lots of things that you need to have first. Some of these are as follows:

  • Basic requirements – An equivalent or high school diploma is needed along with a license coming from your state proving that you can work as an agent. The requirements for the licensing vary depending on the state where you are in however most of them would require that you take an insurance course and pass the exam. You will need two separate licenses if for instance you want to be a life insurance and health insurance agent.
  • Bachelor’s degree – Though a bachelor’s degree is not really needed, however it can help you get a better position in the insurance company. There are some major fields of study which are appropriate for those who want to become an insurance agent. Like for instance, you are a graduate of risk management, you are more likely to understand the concepts related to insurance. The same with marketing and psychology graduate; they have this ability to understand human behaviour and become ready and prepared to become a sales people. A bachelor’s degree is really a great benefit for those who are interested in insurance.
  • Graduate degrees – There are some graduate degrees which are really helpful for the insurance agents. The law graduates can understand better the legal process hiding behind large estate transfers. The business school graduates can communicate with accountants and business owners in a better way. If you have attained a graduate degree, it will be easier for you attract more clients and advertise the insurance that you are offering.
  • Professional titles – The insurance agents can also earn professional designations or titles. Through having a professional title, it is already one proof that you have an expert level of knowledge. If you want to earn professional titles, you can take up courses and try to pass the examinations given.

Insurance agents will easily become successful if they are equipped with all the needed knowledge and skills. If you have earned degrees and titles, it will be easier for you understand the concepts that lie within insurance. You will not find any difficulty in performing your duties, communicating with your co-agents and clients. You can also explain all things that a client should know with regards to insurance. Insurance agents should not stop learning and studying just like what others do so that it will be easier for them to succeed in their chosen career.